How to get a realistic CFA Institute certificate? Where to buy a high-quality CFA diploma? Order a fake CFA degree certificate. Fake degree certificate, fake degree certificate maker. buy fake degree certificates online. How can I get a fake degree certificate? best fake degree certificates. AIMR was founded in 1990, The aim is to unite the Financial Analysts Federation (FAF) and the Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts (ICFA). The FAF was founded in 1947 by four financial analysis organizations in the United States. By the early 1960s, FAF had created a separate, operationally independent organization, ICFA, to write and coordinate the newly created CFA curriculum and exam, the first of which was held in 1963.
Over the next 25 years, while ICFA and FAF operated independently, the CFA exam gradually established itself as a globally recognized standard in various fields, initially in securities analysis, and later in portfolio management and other investment specialties. In response to the growing popularity of the CFA, ICFA and FAF decided to merge in 1990 to form AIMR. However, many members have consistently pointed out that the name of AIMR does not reflect the nature of the club or the professional qualifications of its members and have therefore asked the Board to consider changing the name.
AIMR has launched a series of promotional programs to enhance public awareness of the Association. However, an increasing number of surveys indicate that the target audience of these programs is confused about the relationship between AIMR and CFA, thus contributing to the need for a change of name.
“As we did more outreach, we found that the co-existence of the name AIMR and CFA greatly diminished the effectiveness of the campaign,” Bouman says. There is an expectation that a professional qualification will be backed by a reputable professional organization. But when we introduced the name AIMR in our message, it created unnecessary confusion.”
In September 2003, the AIMR Board commissioned an investigation into whether it would be in the best interests of the Association and its CFA holders to change its name. The survey of members of the association and leaders of its associations expressed strong support for the proposed name change. The survey also concluded that the new name should include the three letters CFA.
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Between November 2003 and January this year, AIMR presented a number of options to its members to test their preference for a new name. The results showed strong support for a new name with the three letters of CFA. CFA Institute and CFA International were the most popular, with similar numbers of supporters. The Board decided to adopt the CFA Institute as new name for CFA Institute, believing that this name better reflects the nature of the CFA Institute.
On the evening of May 9, 2004, at the annual General meeting of AIMR members held in Denver, more than 70,000 members voted. More than 86% of the members voted in person or through authorized representatives to change the name of AIMR to CFA Institute.
The Board of Directors also announced at the meeting that Jeffrey J. Diermeier, CFA, has been unanimously appointed President and Chief Executive Officer, succeeding Thomas A. Bowman (Ames Bowman), CFA, who will retire at the end of the year. In December 2003, Bouman announced that he would retire on December 31, 2004. Diermeier, 51, was previously the Global chief investment officer at UBS Global Asset Management.
The CFA is a highly demanding, self-taught professional exam that takes candidates as little as 18 months to pass through three levels of six-hour exams. It is recommended that candidates allocate at least 750 hours of study time to prepare for the Level 3 examination. The examination covers a wide range of topics, including investment analysis, portfolio management, financial statement analysis, corporate finance, economics, investment performance evaluation, and professional ethics. More than 85,000 candidates from 145 countries and regions have registered for the June test. An additional 30,000 candidates are expected to sit for another test in December.
This change of association name will not have any immediate impact on the AIMR-Performance Presentation Standards (AIMR-PPS®, “AIMR Investment Performance Reporting Standards”). The guidelines are a set of standard industry guidelines in the United States and Canada that outline how investment firms should calculate and report investment returns. The name of AIMR-PPS® will be changed over the next two years as the criteria used in North America are gradually integrated into the Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS®). GIPS® is a relatively new global guideline, also developed by AIMR.