Information on Official Transcripts, including ordering, costs, and transcript legends, can be found here. How to buy a fake Canadian diploma
Please note the following:
1. Effective January 7, 2014, a student’s cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) will no longer appear on the Queen’s University Official Transcript . Requests for a formal letter indicating your cumulative GPA may be made by:
- submitting an email to us
- sending a letter to the Office of the University Registrar
- in-person at Gordon Hall, Room 125
2. Students who order a transcript to be sent to them personally will have the transcript stamped’Issued to Student’ before it is sent from the Registrar’s Office. Students are advised to verify their order details before completing their request.
If you are an applicant to the School of Graduate Studies, who is a graduate or current student of Queen’s at either the undergraduate or graduate level, you do NOT need to request your Queen’s transcript. Your Queen’s academic record will be reviewed by the School of Graduate Studies as part of the decision about your admission.