Buy a fake JSU diploma. How to make a fake JSU degree? Where can I order a Jackson State University diploma? Make a fake diploma. Jackson State University was founded on October 23, 1877 and is located in Jackson, Mississippi, USA. It was historically a black university. Jackson State University is a member of the Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Foundation. It has a business school, a college of education and human development (including the Department of Guidance Leadership and the Department of Administrative Leadership), a college of liberal arts (including the Department of Fine Arts and Performing Arts, the Department of Social Sciences and Behavioral Sciences, and the Department of Media), a lifelong learning college, a college of public service (including the Department of Public Health, the Department of Social Work, and the Department of Policy and Planning), and a college of natural sciences, engineering, and technology (including the Department of Natural Sciences and Technology and the Department of Engineering). The majors include: management and marketing, accounting, business management, economics, political science, psychology, administrative justice and sociology, administrative justice (coordinator), English and modern foreign languages, mass media, speech communication, professional interdisciplinary research, behavioral and environmental health, epidemiology and biostatistics, communication disorders, health policy and management, BSW, MSW, PhD, public policy and management, urban and regional planning, biology, chemistry, physics and atmospheric science, general science, mathematics, technology, civil engineering/telecommunications, etc. Where can I get a fake JSU diploma?